Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our Wedding Reception Venue - BOOKED!

Last weekend, my parents came down from Michigan and checked out all of the venues on my short list while Lance and I were at work. It was very helpful because Lance and I have been really busy at work. TODAY, Lance, Kim (Lance's Mom) and I just went to the Old Hickory County Club to check it out. And...Lance and I just booked our reception venue and gave them the deposit. Thank God that was easy!! They have beautiful grounds and the hall has an old southern feel. Here are the pictures.

Here's the front

Close up of the front

The Golf Course Grounds

Close Up of the Golf Course Grounds

A Pretty Fountain

The Ballroom - Head Table

The Ballroom!

It's a beautiful, old southern space that Lance and I can make our own. The place comes with a white or black table cloth and napkin options. We will probably go with white and then get damask white and black runners across each table. Then I will have to research and put together great budget friendly center pieces. More to come on reception decor.


Unknown said...

Yay!!! Super cute place! So excited :) Is it going to be August 20th still??

Sarah Elizabeth said...

How exciting!!!!! Love the floors- they're beautiful!

Helena Fay Ballard said...

As of right now it's August 20th. It probably won't change, but we need to go talk to some churches in the next 2 weeks and book it the date.